Gerg's Words
Love the Northwest!
Yesterday was another beautiful day here in the Pacific Northwest. I knocked off a nice 10 mile bicycle ride in about 40 minutes along one of my favorite routes-rolling hills, green farmland, wide shoulders (the road, not mine) and plenty of sun.2005/04/14
Skagit Valley Tulip Festival
In what has become a cherished annual event, we spent last weekend in the Mount Vernon/La Conner area, enjoying the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival. Along with the always fun visit to Cowtown, (a small dairy farm & petting zoo) we enjoyed dinner and live music at the Skagit River Brewpub and swam in the hotel pool. Sunday, after stopping at Scott's Bookstore, we drove all over the valley, enjoying the tulips and daffodils. Lunch and shopping in La Conner are always part of the trip, as well as ice cream cones at "Big Daddy's" and some new toys at "From Grandma with Love" As we headed out, we visited an alpaca farm near the edge of town, which also had a small petting zoo. We finished our visit to a new (for us) winery called Carpenter Creek winery ( ) A small, very tasty winery!2005/04/11

Navy Band Northwest "South by Northwest"

Saturday, Saturday
Good morning!The last few days have been rough for our poor little boy. He complained of stomach pains on Thursday, so I brought him in to the emergency room, unable to get any appointment THAT DAY at Family Practice >:-( The blood draw was very difficult, and the x-ray was hell. Turns out he had a case of constipation. Brought him home, gave him fluids, etc. He and Martha stayed home on Friday, and this morning he is doing better-2 teaspoons of mineral oil last night appeared to have done the trick. I think he'll be well enough to go to the submarine museum with me this afternoon.
Follow up-it was a lot of fun! He enjoyed getting out of the house. It is a sight worth seeing if you ever come to the Silverdale area.
Our little social butterfly will attending a birthday party of one of her classmates this afternoon, and of course she's excited about that. Our son helped Martha pick out a present-a toy car. Hey-it's for a 4 year old boy-it's perfect!
The weather may cooperate, give us a chance to do some yard work this morning.
Be sure to watch the North Carolina game this afternoon-one of Bremerton's finest, Marvin Williams, is on the NC team!