
Saturday, Saturday

Good morning!
The last few days have been rough for our poor little boy. He complained of stomach pains on Thursday, so I brought him in to the emergency room, unable to get any appointment THAT DAY at Family Practice >:-( The blood draw was very difficult, and the x-ray was hell. Turns out he had a case of constipation. Brought him home, gave him fluids, etc. He and Martha stayed home on Friday, and this morning he is doing better-2 teaspoons of mineral oil last night appeared to have done the trick. I think he'll be well enough to go to the submarine museum with me this afternoon.
Follow up-it was a lot of fun! He enjoyed getting out of the house. It is a sight worth seeing if you ever come to the Silverdale area. http://www.keyportmuseum.cnrnw.navy.mil/index.asp

Our little social butterfly will attending a birthday party of one of her classmates this afternoon, and of course she's excited about that. Our son helped Martha pick out a present-a toy car. Hey-it's for a 4 year old boy-it's perfect!
The weather may cooperate, give us a chance to do some yard work this morning.
Be sure to watch the North Carolina game this afternoon-one of Bremerton's finest, Marvin Williams, is on the NC team!


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