

These next two are pictures of the cake we made for the Blue and Gold Banquet tonight. I set out a bunch of ideas, and he decided to go with the Earth and Moon set. All three of us had fun coloring and shaping the frosting. I wish I could have gotten a little more gray for the moon, but we're happy how these turned out.

Moon Posted by Picasa

and Earth Posted by Picasa



Here we are at the end of another work week. I am enjoying my new job as Operations, with all the learning challenges that come with it.
Kids had a pretty decent week at school. Little miss has frequently received 'happy cats" for her good behavior, and we are well pleased with that. Our big boy has done fairly well, too. I think the new medicine has started to help him out.
This weekend will be the Cub Scout Blue and Gold Banquet. We're kicking ideas for the cake. The theme is "Cub Scouts to the future" and I have a couple of fun idea. Once the cake is ready, I'll post a few pictures!


Fair Winds Winery in Port Townsend Posted by Picasa

President's Day

We spent this President's Day on a winery tour. We visited several nice wineries in Port Townsend, Sequim, and Port Angeles. There was a wine and chocolate festival going on, and we enjoyed some very nice wines and sweets. For lunch, we picnicked in Sequim-it was a little too cold for picnic activity, but we plowed on! The kids enjoyed seeing all the ducks, as well as running around the ponds and throwing rocks onto the frozen patches, trying to break the ice. Our last stop was the Cameraderie Winery outside Port Angeles-a long haul, but worth it. There were some nice wines, a couple of friendly dogs for the kids to play with, and a beautiful setting.

A classic car Posted by Picasa


Our Saturday afternoon.

These next 4 shots were taken a few minutes ago in the Clear Creek County Park, just north of town. It is a beautiful, sunny (but cold) day today. We decided we HAD to get outside and appreciate the sunshine! It was nippy, but well worth the walk. We met a lot of dogs, saw a few birds, and had a nice family outing.


He wanted to stay back and crack some more frozen puddles. Posted by Picasa

The Clear Creek Valley County Park Posted by Picasa

Little miss takes a break-this is a lot of walking! Posted by Picasa

On the Clear Creek Trail-a beautiful winter afternoon! Posted by Picasa


Our weekend

Welcome to Monday morning!
We had a great weekend. Little miss was very well behaved-I think she just had a little "bump in the road," behavior-wise, so to say. Saturday was a great day for outdoor stuff-yardwork, etc. Sunday, I took the kids swimming at the pool on base. We were there for THREE HOURS!!! They both finally decided it was time to go home-I really tuckered them out.
Saturday, I took my honey to see Great Big Sea at the Moore Theater in seattle. What an incredible show! If they're passing through your area, please go see the show-you will love it!! Go to http://www.greatbigsea.com for a line up of their coming shows.