Harvey Phillips Northwest Big Brass Bash #20
These were taken the weekend of 14-16 July, when we all travelled to Coeur dAlene for the Harvey Phillips Northwest Big Brass Bash Number 20! It was a great weekend of incredible music, lots of fun, learning, playing, and loving the tuba. Sam Pilafian and Pat Sheridan were the guest artists, and a great couple of guys-I was able to chat with both of them, and enjoyed it immensely. We put on a great concert right at the big resort in Coeur d'Alene on the lake. After, we hired a babysitter, and the two of us enjoyed the cruise on the lake, with Sam and Pat playing lots of great tuba music.

The Hot Rod Cafe-our little boy was in HEAVEN!!

A nice little afternoon cruise on the lake with some great music.

Two masters performing together.

Me and Sam Pilafian

Me and Pat Sheridan

Tuba legend Harvey Phillips (he's the one in the red, I'm in blue...)

Columbia River gorge back there
Whale Watching
These are a few pictures I took when we went up to the San Jaun Islands for some whale watching in late June (for Father's Day) I was also taking mostly video, so I only have a few decent still shots. We did see several killer whales, somew quite close. It was a great Pacific Northwest experience.

All smiles!

Enjoying the sea air.

There's an orca there somewhere...

Saying goodbye to Friday Harbor

This is some artwork he made for th eShip's Captain!
These were taken in June, when our Bear Scout crossed over to a Webelos Scout. I was very proud of how well he did, and how wonderful Cub Scouting has been for him. He's been blessed with some really great leaders and Scouts.

First Salute as a Webelo

Last Salute as a Bear Scout

Congratulations, big guy!

Singing around the campfire.

Evening Colors
Mother's Day
These pictures were taken back in May ( May, June, July, August...Hmmm-4 months late, buddy!!!!)
Sorry. We went to Port Townsaend for brunch and a relaxing day in the park.

Out for a day in the park

Sunny smile

Mom & Son

Our little girl took this one!

Father & Son

Happy Mother's Day, Sweety!