Easter Greetings!
A Blessed Easter to All!!I had a very busy morning, playing my tuba with the church brass quartet at 3 services yesterday. The early afternoon was packed with last-minute preparations for the Easter dinner. Dave, Kim, Selina, and Lorenzo arrived around 4, bearing Easter baskets for the kids, and lots more good food to share. We enjoyed a wonderful dinner and fellowship, dining on spiral cut ham, broccoli & rice casserole, cauliflower au gratin, green bean hotdish, walnut & blue cheese vinegarette salad, then lemonade pie for dessert. Wow! I still feel stuffed! It was a great time together with good friends.

Front view of his Pinewood Derby car-Beep the Happy Bus!
Weekend update
Again, thank you for stopping by!
We had a fun filled weekend. Due to work commitments, I was unable to attend the Pinewood Derby last Saturday, but Martha and the kids had a lot of fun. While herself was a little put off by the racing format (due to the number of sibling racers, she received a "bye" on the first round of racing, and got upset when her car wasn't on the track in the first race.) Our Cub Scout had fun, and got a certificate for the "Most Patriotic" racer! Afterwards, the three of them went to the Airport Diner in Bremerton, where there was a small craft fair going on.
Sunday was a real run for me. Brass rehearsal at church, then to Keyport to prepare for our Dixieland concert. We put on a great show, and really surprised and pleased a lot of the audience. It was a big, brash, and a whole lot of fun time! Dave did an awesome job with the slide show that ran during our concert, with a lot of good humor.
Currently, I'm relaxing, listening to Bluegrass, doing laundry, slow-cooking Irish Stew (with Guinness of course) and getting ready to file our taxes.
Pinewood Derby
These are the Pinewood Derby cars we made. With the kid's cars, all I did was cut the shape (and Martha clear-coated them after painting was done) All the rest-color, design, etc-was all by the kids. They each painted their car exactly as THEY wanted. His won it's first race. Hers was a little slower...

My "US Navy" speedster

"Ladybug" car

Patriotic "Beep the Bus"

Me with sousaphone
Weekend update
Thanks for coming by today! I'm going to give you a little wrap-up of our wonderful weekend.
Saturday morning was a flurry of cleaning. Martha hosted a Sensaria party (lotions, foot scrubs, scented oils, stuff like that) and we wanted to make the house somewhat presentable. The representative came at 10:30 in a BIG GMC van-the kids thought it was awesome! The guests came at 11:00. While the women were having their feet soaked, etc, Weldon (a co-worker whose wife was also at the party) and I took care of all the kids. We walked to the school's playground, had peanut butter sandwiches, and played. Martha did quite well-Deanna sold over $550 worth of merchandise, so Martha will be able to pick over $115 worth of free and half price stuff! That afternoon, I showed the family Deterrent Park at the Subase, then home for a couple of juicy steaks hot off the grill.
Sunday started (and stayed-I love this place!) warm and sunny. After church and lunch, we saw the Kitsap Western Railroad club, a miniature railroad set up at the South Kitsap Mall. Our boy was fascinated the entire time. Once we returned home, the kids painted their Pinewood Derby cars-his will be a red school bus, hers is going to be a big ladybug, and mine will be a Navy Blue and Gold dragster. His is the only one that will officially race-mine and hers will be for fun and show. Pictures should be posted by Thursday night-the race is Saturday.
Off to dinner-curried chicken-YUM!!!

Our family near Mount Rainier
I LOVE THIS PLACE!!!I just did an hour long bicycle ride, over 16 miles, wearing a T-shirt and shorts-this is the best place in the world to live!! Clean air, sunshine, lots of trees-if you've never been to the Pacific Northwest, come in the spring-it's the best time of year.
This photo was taken while riding the Spirit of Washington Dinner train. For his birthday, we enjoyed the Sunday Brunch special, and he was overjoyed to ride on a real train.

Birthday boy and mom on the Spirit of Washington
A beautiful day
I enjoyed the evening with the kids, watching the new Veggie Tales video, "Duke and the Great Pie War"-based on the story of Ruth and Naomi, but with a medieval tilt to it. A good story, but a little complicated to follow the relationships (as is the original Ruth story) but a very pleasant story about the importance of family and love.

"Farmer Bean"

She's a little lamb for the Christmas show!

A proud Cub Scout!
Entering cyberspace
We had a very pleasant day today. The kids were well behaved at Sunday school (less so at church) followed by a beautiful day at the "Wooden" park-their favorite. As I figure this thing out, I'll post more, as well as lots more pictures.

A sweet little lamb!

Stormy-cat about town...

Proud of my Naval Career